The Supreme Court on Wednesday requested the Delhi High Court to give an early hearing to a plea relating to alleged violence in Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) University on 15 December 2019.
Request made by a bench of justices Aniruddha Bose and Vikram Nath came while hearing the petition filed by Nabila Hasan. The petitioner’s lawyer submitted that matters have been pending before the Delhi High Court for years.
The plea relates to alleged attack on the university’s students by the Delhi police officials. It sought action against the cops and was represented by advocates Sneha Mukherjee and Siddharth.
The petitioners blamed the forces for ruthless and excessive physical force and violence against unarmed and peaceful students.
The plea also raised questions over the use of “extreme” measures such as tear gas shells, chili-based explosives, and rubber bullets against the protesters.
Several protesters and policemen sustained injuries during a protest against the new citizenship law near the Jamia Millia Islamia University campus on 15 December 2019. Some public transport was also set on fire and other public properties were also damaged in the protest.