Late night, students at Rajiv Gandhi National Law University in Sidhuwal village of Patiala got enraged when the police stopped the show midway due to Sufi singer Satinder Sartaj. Angry students demonstrated and raised slogans against the police. Later the university administration pacified them. Singer Satinder Sartaaj said that the police were asking him to stop the show. He apologized to all the listeners for ending the show midway and promised to come again in the future but the students got angry with this incident and demonstrated against the police.
Mehfil-e-Sartaj was organized at Law University on Saturday night. The time of this show was from 7 pm to 10 pm. But due to some reasons the show could start at around 8.15 pm and was going on even after 10 pm. Meanwhile, when singer Satinder Sartaj was presenting the song on the stage, the police reached the stage from behind. A policeman went to the singer and told him that time was over. After this Sartaj also refused to take the show forward.