In continuation of its crusade against criminals/gangsters, District SAS Nagar Police achieved yet another breakthrough when teams of Zirakpur Police arrested three more associates of gangster Goldy Brar and Saba USA for providing weapons & and logistics to recently arrested shooters Manjit Guri and Gurpal Singh, said Dr Sandeep Garg, IPS, SSP SAS Nagar.
Briefing the media, the SSP said that the arrested trio has been identified
as Abhishek Rana r/o village Rankhandi, Saharanpur UP, Ankit Kumar r/o village Mainpuri, SAS Nagar and Praveen Kumar r/o Lalru, SAS Nagar.
Divulging more details, the SSP Dr Garg said that the development came after Zirakpur Police teams arrested two shooters who were tasked to commit a sensational crime in Tricity by Goldy Brar and Saba USA. Shooter Manjit @ Guri was arrested after a brief encounter at VIP road Zirakpur during special patrolling on November 6, 2023, while his other accomplice Gurpal who managed to escape from the spot, was arrested later on November 16, 2023, from Rankhandi, district Saharanpur, UP. In total, 3 sophisticated pistols were recovered from them and an FIR no. 331 u/s 307, 353, 186 IPC & 25 Arms Act was registered at PS Zirakpur.
During the further course of the investigation, it was revealed that three other associates Abhishek, Ankit and Praveen provided weapons and logistics to the shooters.
Acting further on revelations, Teams were formed under the supervision of Manpreet Singh, PPS, SP(R) and Bikramjit Singh Brar, PPS, DSP Zirakpur to arrest the accused. Following the inputs, the teams led by Inspector Simarjeet Singh (SHO Zirakpur) and other officials arrested all three of them from various locations yesterday.
Abhishek Rana provided a hideout to shooter Gurpal at Rankhandi, Saharanpur in the directions of Saba USA. Ankit Kumar had procured two weapon consignments in the last eight months. He delivered the First consignment to Joga, who was then absconding in the Sidhu Moosewala Murder Case and was arrested later by Gurugram Police.

The Second consignment was delivered by him to Shooters Gurpal and Guri on the directions of Saba USA. He also assisted Gurpal to escape on November 6, 2023, the day Guri was nabbed after a brief encounter.
Praveen Kumar provided a hideout in a hotel at Lalru to the shooter, Gurpal while he was on a run, on the directions of Saba USA & and Goldy Brar.
In total, Five operatives of Goldy Brar & Saba USA Gang have been arrested so far following the backward trail of the encounter incident on November 6, 2023, at Zirakpur.