The Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra Jansamvad reached Rajjitikari village in Khand Morni on Tuesday, where Village Sarpanch Punam Devi extended a warm welcome to the yatra. A programme was held at the Government Middle School of Rajjitikari village, featuring former MLA Latika Sharma as the chief guest.

During the event, Latika Sharma emphasised that the primary objective of the yatra is to raise awareness about the welfare policies of both the Central and State Governments and ensure their complete implementation. The yatra aims to collect feedback from scheme beneficiaries, address any implementation deficiencies, and extend benefits to those who were unable to access government services for various reasons.

Latika Sharma highlighted that the yatra provides information about employment and other schemes to youth and women. The initiative also involves registering individuals who may have missed out on obtaining Ayushman Cards, BPL Cards, Family Identity Cards, Old Age Honor Allowances, or other social security pensions.

During the programme, Latika Sharma administered the oath of a developed India to the attendees and recognized the children participating in the cultural programme by presenting them with commendations. Subsequently, the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra proceeded to the village of Thandog in the Morni section, where Sarpanch Indira Devi and the villagers gave the yatra a grand welcome.

Latika Sharma, the former MLA of Kalka, served as the chief guest at the programme held at Government Senior Secondary School, urging villagers to make the most of the welfare schemes offered by various government departments.