Sara Ali Khan called Varun Dhawan a brat and copycat. She also alleges her ‘Coolie No. 1’ co-star filches ‘shayari’. Sara posted a string of pictures on Instagram, which seems to have been taken from the promotions of their upcoming film. In the images, the two young stars flaunt checkered ensembles. Sara captioned her post with trademark ‘poetic’ elan: “Varun Dhawan is a brat. Shayari chor, copy cat. Don’t worry I have more tricks in my hat I’m the OG poetess- you forgot that! @varundvn.” ‘Coolie No. 1’ is directed by Varun’s father David Dhawan. The film is a remake of the Govinda-Karisma Kapoor original the director made in 1995. In the remake, Varun and Sara reprise the lead roles.