Mumbai The romance between Sara Ali Khan and Vicky Kaushal will be featured in Laxman Utekar’s film “Zara Hatke Zara Bachke.”
The couple recently charmed the audience by showcasing their chemistry in the song “Phir Aur Kya Chahiye” by Arijit Singh. The two are now prepared to premiere their brand-new song from the picture. The song, titled “Tere Vaaste,” will be released on Monday.
Sara announced on her Instagram Story that tomorrow, she and Vicky will premiere the song in Jaipur.

“Tere Vaaste…song out at 12:30 tomorrow. in 12:15, I’ll be live on Instagram in Raj Mandir, Jaipur,” she tweeted.

Vicky exclaimed, “Working with Laxman sir and Maddock has been a delightful experience,” as she expressed excitement for the movie. I loved working on the movie, especially with Sara, and I hope viewers appreciate it as much as Sara and I did.
“I am appreciative of the chance to work with such a skilled team. The movie provides a distinctive perspective on love and marriage, and I can’t wait for the public to see it, Sara continued.

‘Luka Chupi’ and ‘Mimi’ director Laxman Utekar also provided his thoughts on the movie.This movie is really dear to my heart, he declared. It is a tale that will appeal to audiences all around the nation. It is a movie that is excellent for the whole family to see and guarantees to keep you entertained.
I firmly trust in Laxman’s intrinsic capacity to comprehend emotions, producer Dinesh Vijan said. Hatke, Zara With the appropriate message, Zara Bachke will appeal to the masses while also providing entertainment. This will appeal to viewers of all ages, just as our flicks Luka Chuppi and Mimi. It is the ideal form of entertainment for families to enjoy together.

Jio Studios and Dinesh Vijan present Zara Hatke Zara Bachke, slated to release in cinemas on June 2.