Bollywood actor Sara Ali Khan on Wednesday morning offered prayers at Mahakaleshwar Temple situated in Madhya Pradesh’s Ujjain district. The Bollywood actor also participated in the ‘Bhasma Aarti’ on the occasion. Bhasma aarti (offering with ashes) is a famous ritual here. It is performed during the Brahma Muhurta between 4 and 5:30 am in the morning.
Following the tradition of the temple committee to attend the Bhasma Aarti, she wore a pink coloured saree. It is mandatory for women to wear saree in Bhasma Aarti.
During the Bhasma Aarti, she sat in the Nandihal of the temple and performed the prayers. Sara also performed Jalabhishek inside the sanctum sanctorum.
Notably, it was not the first time that she visited the Mahakal temple, Sara came here many times and worshipped Baba Mahakal.
During the visit, she also stood at the Kothi Teerth Kund situated on the premises of the temple and appeared engrossed in the devotional spirit.
On the other hand, a priest of the temple Sanjay Guru said, “Sara Ali Khan has unwavering faith in Baba Mahakal. Therefore she often visits here.”
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