Sanjay Raut, leader from the Shiv Sena (UBT), voiced his concerns regarding the Maratha reservation issue in Maharashtra. He emphasized that only the Union government could offer a viable solution to this complex matter. However, he expressed disappointment, noting that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah seemed preoccupied with their election campaigns while the state of Maharashtra was grappling with unrest.

Sanjay Raut reaffirmed his party’s stance, which advocates for the reservation of Marathas in Maharashtra, provided it doesn’t infringe upon the existing quotas designated for other communities. During a press conference, the Rajya Sabha MP conveyed his views on the situation. Raut underscored that resolving the Maratha reservation issue could only be effectively managed by the central government, but PM Modi’s commitments to the ongoing election campaigns were causing delays.

He further pointed out that Amit Shah was also actively involved in campaigning, from Chhattisgarh to Mizoram, leaving Maharashtra in turmoil. Raut called upon Prime Minister Modi to engage in a dialogue with Maratha activist Manoj Jarange, who has undertaken an indefinite hunger strike to push for the quota demand. He stressed that this matter was reaching a critical juncture, as some individuals were resorting to drastic measures, including suicide.