Filmmaker Girish Malik, who directs Sanjay Dutt in his new film ‘Torbaaz’, says he wanted to show a story of hope and discuss terrorism with a human angle in the upcoming release. ‘Torbaaz’ is the story of a man who rises above personal tragedy and decides to transform the lives of refugee camp kids who are on the path of destruction through cricket. “I really like bringing forth stories and characters that people have never imagined. There is so much in this world which needs to be told through the medium of cinema. The world of filmmaking is very fascinating for me and I like presenting every character in its most honest and impactful manner. That has always been my priority. ‘Torbaaz’ is one such story and will surely leave an impact on the viewers,” said Malik. Talking about the journey, he shared: “The idea was to show a story of hope and also to discuss terrorism with a human angle. The journey was a rollercoaster with ups and downs. Lots of challenges and hardships but the passion to tell this story and to tell it a certain way was huge. It is a story with a massive canvas, and considering the scale required it was tough. It was nothing short of an ordeal to be honest.” “I like to tell stories that make an impact and are interesting to watch too. I am not making a documentary but the audience is intelligent today, so the authenticity needs to be there. I don’t take my audience for granted. Filmmaking is my passion and I am a very visual person. I think in visuals,” he added. ‘Torbaaz’ starring Sanjay Dutt, Nargis Fakhri and Rahul Dev will release on Netflix on 11 December.