Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt is reportedly shooting for some intense fight scenes opposite Tamil star Sivakarthikeyan for an AR Murugadoss film in Chennai. Tentatively titled SK23, Sanjay Dutt was apparently shooting at a city studio on Thursday. The Leo actor plays the antagonist opposite Sivakarthikeyan in the film, which is produced by Sri Lakshmi Movies. SK 23 also stars Rukmini Vasanth and Biju Menon in important roles.

Sanjay Dutt was last seen in Tamil cinema in Thalapathy Vijay’s film, Leo, that was released in 2023. When director Lokesh Kanagaraj worked with Sanjay Dutt on Leo, he said he was very surprised how down-to-earth Sanjay was. Lokesh said that he never thought he would get this close to Sanjay Dutt and added, “He directly started calling me ‘son’. He insisted that I call him ‘Appa’. He said that’s how he sees me. I share similar bonds with Kamal sir and Vijay anna.”

There is a lot of buzz about this new Sivakarthikeyan film with Ghajini director AR Murugadoss as the director’s last Tamil film was Darbar in 2020 starring Superstar Rajinikanth. This new movie began production in February and there are reportedly high-octane action sequences, gripping performances, and a thrilling storyline which will appeal to the pan-Indian audience. Ace music director Anirudh Ravichander is composing the music for SK23, with Sreekar Prasad handling editing and Sudeep Elamon is the cinematographer.

A while back, director AR Murugadoss was spotted filming a song sequence for the film in the busy streets of Chennai. He was seen filming in Pondy Bazaar, one of Chennai’s busiest areas. He chose to do a night shoot as the streets were adorned with lights. Meanwhile, fans had also gathered in large numbers hoping for a glimpse of Sivakarthikeyan. Their videos from the Pondy Bazaar shoot went viral on social media. There is talk the film will be wrapped up in June as the makers want to release the film by the end of 2024.