MUMBAI: Sanjay Dutt, on Wednesday, penned an adorable birthday wish for his wife Maanayata. Taking to Instagram, he uploaded a video comprising of pictures of himself with his wife and children. He added ‘Tere Bina Mai Kya, Kuch Bhi Nahi’ song to the video’s background. Along with it, he wrote a beautiful caption for Maanayata, saying she is the backbone of their family.
“You are the backbone of our family and the light of my life. Words fail to express all that you mean to me but you know it all too well. Thank you for always being there and being you,” he wrote.
Filled with gratitude for the love and wishes people have showered for her on her special day, Maanayata took to social media and wrote, “With age comes gratitude and the knowledge that with every passing year we are privileged, and being grateful becomes a daily ritual that enhances our lives in so many positive ways. #celebratinglife #love #grace #positivity #dutts #beautifullife #thankyougod.”
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