New Delhi: Expanding its entry-level smartphone segment in India, Samsung is set to launch another affordable smartphone billed as Galaxy M02 and priced under Rs 7,000 next week. Galaxy M02 is likely to have a large 6.5-inch infinity-V display and a dual camera setup at the back, industry sources told IANS on Wednesday. After Galaxy M02s, this would be Samsung’s second smartphone launched below Rs 10,000 this year. Earlier this month, Samsung launched its new budget smartphone ‘Galaxy M02s’ in the India market. Galaxy M02s is priced at Rs 8,999 for the 3GB+32GB variant and Rs 9,999 for the 4GB+64GB variant. Galaxy M02s also comes with a 6.5-inch Infinity-V display for immersive viewing, content streaming, video calls and attending online courses. The device comes with 5000mAh battery along with 15W fast charging support.
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