A tragic incident unfolded in Bihar’s Samastipur district when a section of an under-construction bridge, part of a major infrastructure project, collapsed, prompting an outcry and demands for accountability. Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Kumar Sinha, who oversees the Road Construction portfolio, expressed his strong stance on the situation, stating, “Those responsible for this will not be spared. Strict action will be taken against the construction agency.” He assured the public that an investigation is already underway and that appropriate measures will be implemented to ensure accountability.
The collapse, which occurred on a bridge meant to connect Bakhtiyarpur in Patna to Tajpur in Samastipur, has triggered political controversy, with opposition leaders raising concerns over the quality of construction and delayed timelines. The bridge has been under construction since 2011, with repeated delays pushing its completion far beyond the original deadline.
While the construction company involved has attempted to explain the incident as a technical error, the collapse has reignited a debate about infrastructure safety in Bihar. The opposition has criticized the state government for its handling of the project, alleging corruption and poor oversight.
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This incident follows a series of similar bridge collapses in the state, adding to the public’s frustration over the slow pace of infrastructural improvements. Deputy CM Sinha’s promise of swift action against those at fault has become a focal point, as citizens await the results of the ongoing investigation.
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