Samantha Ruth Prabhu starrer Shaakuntalam is struggling at the box office. The film has only managed to cross Rs. 10 crore mark since its release on April 14. A report in India Today revealed that film industry insiders have said that the actress has reportedly decided to “avoid” such films in the future. This comes after veteran producer-director Chittibabu claimed that the actress’s film career is “finished”.
In a recent interview with Filmy Looks, Chittibabu slammed the actress. The producer told, “Samantha did Oo Antava item song in Pushpa The Rise after her divorce. She did it for her livelihood. After losing the status of a star heroine, she is doing whatever offers she is getting. Her career as the heroine is finished, and she cannot get back to stardom again. She should continue her journey doing the offers she gets.” Further, he added, “Every time sentiment will not work. If the role and film is good people will watch. All these are cheap and insane acts. I wonder how Samantha who lost her heroine status suited for the role of Shakuntala. I do not have any interest in Shaakuntalam.”
Coming back to Shaakuntalam, it is a Telugu language mythological drama film written and directed by Gunasekhar. Shaakuntalam was released in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi on April 14.
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