Popular celebrity couple Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Naga Chaitanya announced their divorce in October 2021. Now nearly two years after their divorce, the actress has sparked patch-up rumors with Naga Chaitanya. The talented actress has unarchived her wedding picture with Naga. Sharing the actress’s post on Reddit, the fan wrote, “Samantha has slowly been unarchiving all her posts with Naga Chaitanya. Are the back together? Is Sobhita out of the picture?” However, social media users believed that it could be Sam’s way of accepting the divorce and moving on in life. One of the users said, “Nope, she is beginning to accept it and finally move on.” Another one wrote, “I don’t know but like that’s a very cute picture!”
Have a look
Meanwhile, the ‘Kushi’ star has unarchived a bunch of pictures with Naga on her official Instagram account.
Take a look at Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s Instagram post
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