The biopic drama ‘Sam Bahadur,’ starring Vicky Kaushal, began its theatrical journey in India with an opening day collection of Rs 6.25 crores. Taran Adarsh, a trade analyst, took to Instagram to praise the film’s performance, stating that its evening shows showed promising momentum on the first day. The film’s performance over the weekend will be critical to ensuring a respectable total.

Directed by Meghna Gulzar, ‘Sam Bahadur’ features Sanya Malhotra and Fatima Sana Shaikh alongside Vicky Kaushal. The film portrays the life of India’s first Field Marshal, Sam Manekshaw, who played pivotal roles in several wars over a four-decade-long military career. Manekshaw’s leadership during the 1971 Indo-Pak war led to the creation of Bangladesh, earning him the revered title ‘Sam Bahadur.’

Speaking about the role, Vicky Kaushal expressed humility, acknowledging the immense responsibility of portraying such a significant national hero. He reflected on pouring his dedication into representing one of India’s esteemed icons on the silver screen.

Vicky Kaushal’s second collaboration with director Meghna Gulzar follows their successful venture ‘Raazi.’ Despite a box office clash with ‘Animal,’ starring Ranbir Kapoor, the film is ready to embark on its journey, aiming to carve its place in the industry.