Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif are gearing up for the release of the action thriller film Tiger 3. The film will release during Diwali this year. In a statement, the actor spoke about Tiger 3. He shared, “The team has really pushed the envelope of action with Tiger 3. It had to be spectacular. There was no other option.” He added, “Expect the unexpected from the trailer & the film and get ready for an action entertainer that will have a really intense storyline. For me, Tiger 3’s story is what hooked me instantly. I couldn’t believe what Adi and the team had come up with! This is definitely Tiger’s most dangerous mission and he has to risk his life to stand a chance.”

 Salman also spoke about the action sequences in the film and said that he felt ‘like a child’ while shooting for those. He also said that the audiences will be teased with those sequences in the trailer.