Actor Salman Khan disclosed that he was awakened by the sound of gunfire on April 14 when two bike-riding assailants fired shots outside his Bandra residence in Mumbai. Police have stated that the shooters, allegedly hired by Lawrence Bishnoi’s gang, conspired to assassinate Khan.

On June 4, a four-member team, including an officer from the Mumbai Crime Branch, visited Khan’s home to record statements from him and his brother Arbaaz. The two brothers were interrogated for a combined six hours. Khan expressed his awareness of the danger to his life and thanked the police for their assistance in the investigation.

Salman Khan recounted to the police that he had been at home and slept late after a party. The noise of a bullet striking his balcony woke him up. He went to the balcony to investigate but saw no one. Arbaaz Khan, who was at his Juhu residence during the incident, also gave his statement, acknowledging previous threats from the Bishnoi gang.

Salman Khan’s statement took three hours to record, while Arbaaz’s took two hours, with over 150 questions posed to both brothers. Their father, Salim Khan, was also present during the firing but his statement was not recorded due to his advanced age.

On April 14, two motorcyclists fired outside Khan’s Bandra home. Subsequently, police arrested four suspects: Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal in Gujarat, and Anuj Thapan along with another individual in Punjab on April 26. Anuj Thapan later passed away, while in police custody.

Authorities revealed that the Bishnoi gang had plotted to attack Khan’s car in Panvel, Maharashtra, using weapons sourced from a Pakistani arms dealer. The gang, led by Lawrence Bishnoi, his Canada-based cousin Anmol Bishnoi, and associate Goldie Brar, had reportedly acquired AK-47s, M-16s, and other high-caliber weapons. The plan involved either ambushing Khan’s vehicle or targeting his farmhouse in Panvel.