Bollywood superstar Salman Khan’s niece Alizeh Agnihotri is ready to venture into the film industry with Farrey. The actor took to his Instagram handle and dropped the first look poster of the film. The film is directed by National award-winning director, Soumendra Padhi, known for his work on ‘Jamtara.’Seemingly set in the backdrop of college life, the poster features Alizeh, Sahil Mehta, Zeyn, and Prasanna Bisht sitting in a classroom. While Sahil, holding a lot of cash in his hand and Prasanna are all smiles seemingly happy-go-lucky characters, Alizeh and Zeyn are sitting calm and composed. In the caption, he wrote, “Miliye in super talented shaitaano se. #Farrey in theatres on 24 Nov!”
Take a look at Salman Khan’s Instagram post
Salman also dropped the teaser of the film along with the caption, “Subha subha ek Naya ‘F’ word seekha. Char baje bataunga.” Now he has finally unveiled the teaser and wrote, “Main toh yeh F word ki baat kar raha tha, aapne kya socha! #FarreyTeaser Out Now! @soumendra_padhi @alizehagnihotri @isahilmehta @zeynshaw @prasanna_bisht @ronitboseroy @juuhithesoniibabbar @yerneninaveen @atulreellife @nikhilnamit @sunirkheterpal @skfilmsofficial @mythriofficial @reellifeproduction @athenaenm.”
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