Superstar Salman Khan, who is hosting ‘Bigg Boss 14’, has introduced wild card contestants — actors Kavita Kaushik, Naina Singh and Shardul Pandit. Naina and Shardul aren’t happy to see each other and lock horns the moment they speak with each other. Bigg Boss then throws open a ‘60 minute’ challenge to the contestants. The contestants have to rate themselves and then their fellow contestants on a number that depicts the amount of time that particular contestant is visible in the 60 minute episode. While Nikki Tamboli is confident that the episodes revolve around her, Rahul Vaidya and Jaan Kumar Sanu award themselves a fair score of nine minutes each. Actress-dancer Nora Fatehi and singer Guru Randhawa then enter the house and give a performance to their new song ‘Naach meri rani’. The show also has contestants like Jasmin Bhasin and Eijaz Khan.