Superstar Salman Khan has resumed shooting for his much-anticipated action drama, ‘Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai’, and the makers have shared a sneak peek into the filming of a celebratory song. The behindthe-scenes video was posted on the official Twitter account of Sal – man Khan Films. The film features Salman, Disha Patani and Randeep Hooda along with other actors. ‘Radhe’s’ shoot resumed recently after a long hiatus of over six months due to the pandemic. In the video, the actors and crew can be seen wearing masks, while other preventive measures like sanitisation and temperature checks are being observed. Jackie Shroff, who also features in the film, can be heard in the background, describing how shooting has been resumed taking care of everyone’s health. 

He also explains how the team shot with safety and precaution, while maintaining social distancing. He expresses gratitude towards the unit for looking after everything. “Socha nahi tha 200 filmein karne ke baad ki aise din bhi dekhne padenge. The entire world is in trauma,” said Jackie. The clip shows Salman, Disha and Jackie preparing for a shot. As a treat to fans, the makers shared a glimpse of Salman and Disha’s dance number. In the end, Salman can be seen dancing and saying to the choreographer: ‘Time lagega b h a i , 6 mahine ke baad aaya hoon,’ he is then seen breaking into dance moves. 

Directed by Prabhu Deva, the film was scheduled to release earlier this year but got pushed due to the Covid-19 crisis.