Amidst a heated controversy, the entire Hindu community successfully installed the idols of Ram Durbar at the entrance gate of Salasar Road on Sunday. In the presence of about a dozen saints, priests utilized a crane to ascend the entrance gate and conducted the worship ceremony. The covered idols were unveiled by the saints, followed by the performance of Lord Rama’s Aarti. The program also included a feast, where hundreds of attendees partook in the prasad. Members from both the BJP and Congress were present at the idol installation, along with several saints, including Sant Deonath, Vikasnath, Sarlanath, Nishchanath, Mahant Kanpuri Maharaj, and Ravinath. Notable contributors to the program were Arvind Soni, Vijay Chauhan, Manish Dadhich, Richpal Bijarniya, and Ramnivas Bugaliya.
It is worth noting that a press conference held at the BJP office on January 31 initially announced the idol installation for that date. However, a pamphlet issued by the entire Hindu community on January 26 declared the installation on January 28, and the idols were placed at the entrance gate on Saturday.
In light of the escalating controversy, a meeting was held at the SDM office on Saturday evening, involving representatives from the entire Hindu community, BJP, and Congress. Both sides remained firm about their respective installation dates. Eventually, on Sunday, the entire Hindu community proceeded with the idol installation, and a meeting was convened at the SDM office on Saturday night in this regard.
Subhash Parikh, District President, of Vishwa Hindu Parishad, stated that Vishwa Hindu Parishad, RSS, and Bajrang Dal had no connection with the program, emphasizing that the leaders of the entire Hindu community were acting independently and had favoured the program on January 31.
MLA Manoj Meghwal expressed concerns about the administration’s unclear stance and criticized the politicization of religion without proper guidelines.
MP Singh, EXEN, FODY, informed about an FIR lodged against unknown individuals for road blockade and tent setup on Salasar Road on Saturday night.
Opposition Leader Jayashree Dadhich clarified that BJP representatives attended the January 31 meeting at Ram Durbar for idol installation as per the administration’s prior knowledge. If someone initiated it earlier, she welcomed the action.
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