On Monday, “Dandiya and Garba” festivities from ‘Gusto Season 2’ were organised at Saint Soldier Public School. The event featured Ajaypal Singh, the Chairman of the Rajasthan Sikh Society and Education Board, as the chief guest. Ajaypal Singh emphasised the importance of women’s empowerment and girls’ education, highlighting the slogan “Save the Daughter, Educate the Daughter.”
Baldev Singh, the Secretary of the Education Board; Maninder Singh Bagga, the Treasurer; Jasbir Singh, Vice-President of the Sikh Society, and the school’s Treasurer; Gurmeet Singh, the Secretary of the school, and Gurcharan Singh, Secretary of Saint Soldier Academy, Principal Charu Gupta were present at the event.
The renowned filmmaker passed away at the age of 78.
Born in Lincolnshire in 1929, Plowright made her stage debut in 1954.
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David Lynch passed away at 78 on January 16.