In preparation for the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections-2024, initiatives have been launched in Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar to ensure the integrity of the electoral process. A District Level Media Monitoring Cell and District Level Media Certification and Monitoring Committee have been established, covering two Parliamentary Constituencies: Sri Anandpur Sahib and Patiala.

Deputy Commissioner and District Election Officer, Aashika Jain, disclosed the formation of a district-level Media Certification and Monitoring Committee, with herself as the chairperson.

The committee includes members such as SDM Depankar Garg, MC Joint Commissioner Kiran Sharma, DPRO Ravi Inder Singh, Parsar Bharti Journalist Manoj Girdhar, Jagmohan Singh, and Harwinder Singh (MIS Coordinators from DEO (EE) Office). Alongside this committee, a 24×7 Media Monitoring Cell has been established to diligently monitor election-related news across electronic, social, and print media, particularly to identify paid news.

Jain highlighted the role of the District level MCMC, which will function as a Political Content Certification Committee for electronic media and will also scan media news related to elections. During a meeting, the District Election Officer designated the ADC (G) as the Nodal Officer of the MCMC to oversee day-to-day operations.

Jain directed the Tehsildar of the District Election Office to provide the necessary manpower, electronic equipment, and other resources to ensure the smooth functioning of the MCMC. She emphasized adherence to the guidelines set forth by the Election Commission of India, instructing the MCMC to diligently report any violations related to media guidelines.

The meeting witnessed the attendance of various officials including ADC (G) Viraj S Tidke, ADC (RD) Sonam Chaudhary, SDM Mohali Depankar Garg, AC (G) Davy Goyal, DPRO Ravi Inder Singh, Election Tehsildar Sanjay Kumar, and Jagmohan Singh, MIS Coordinator from DEO (EE) Office. These measures aim to uphold the principles of free and fair elections, ensuring transparency and accountability in the electoral process.