The Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) has filed a complaint against Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh, alleging misuse of official residence and government machinery for political meetings, thus violating the Model Code of Conduct.

Arshdeep Singh Kler, the chief spokesperson of SAD, stated in the complaint that the Chief Minister and the Rajya Sabha MP have misused their political positions. He alleged that the official residence of the Chief Minister and the media platform of the Punjab government have been used to promote the political agenda of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), breaching the Model Code of Conduct.

SAD claimed that a meeting was held with ministers to strategize for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, allegedly by Mann and Sanjay Singh. They further stated that a minister has provided video evidence of this meeting, which has been submitted along with the complaint.

SAD emphasized that such actions constitute a violation of the conditions set for political parties under the Model Code of Conduct.

Kler expressed strong disapproval of the matter to the Chief Electoral Officer and demanded action be taken against those involved.