The Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) President Sukhbir Singh Badal on Monday said that the stoppage of inbound goods trains in Punjab could amount to “an economic blockade of the sensitive border state” and shatter its already staggering economy apart, from causing unspeakable sufferings to the common people.

He said that this approach smacks of ‘needless and ominous confrontation which will serve no one’s interest.”

Badal urged the Government of India to immediately resume normal goods train services in the state. “The decision to further extend the ban on goods trains in Punjab would completely devastate the entire business, trade and industry, apart from agriculture here. The decision needs to be reversed immediately. Do not punish the patriotic and peace-loving people of Punjab for demanding their democratic rights,” said Sukhbir Badal in a statement here.

The SAD president said that all the tracks where the trains in question are to run are open and functional. “There is no ground whatsoever to resort to such a blanket ban on goods train services. These must be resumed immediately,” he said.

Badal also said that the government of India should have opted for a negotiated solution to the issue and should have removed the apprehensions of the farmers’ in this regard. “In a democracy, the way to deal with popular demands and agitations is always through talks. Answering people’s demands and disaffection through vengeful reaction would further complicate the situation rather than resolving it,” warned the Shiromani Akali Dal chief.