The Shiromani Akali Dal has strongly condemned the recent raids carried out solely on the basis of suspicion against individuals and organizations connected to Sikhism in Punjab, India, and abroad, who are working for social welfare and relief. Senior Akali leader Prof. Prem Singh Chandumajra expressed strong disapproval of the way individuals and offices related to Khalsa Aid were targeted. He stated that the manner in which the internationally renowned Sikh NRI, Sardar Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi, a member of the British Parliament, was prevented and harassed before being allowed to board a flight at Sri Guru Ram Dass Jee International Airport, Amritsar, is reprehensible. He also highlighted that during the Asian Games, Akali workers and leaders like Sardar Parkash Singh Badal and Jathedar Gurcharan Singh Tohra were prevented from entering the national capital. Prof. Chandumajra said that baseless allegations, including raids and other forms of harassment against innocent Sikhs, only exacerbate the pre-existing deep wounds and emotional alienation felt by the Sikh community. When highly respected Sikhs like Sardar Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi are targeted solely due to their religious identity, it is deeply disturbing for us. This is highly condemnable, and it does not serve the greater national interest. He suggested that if there are specific complaints against any individual, they should be investigated, and rather than causing distress and humiliation through government agencies, they should be dealt with according to legal procedures, as Sikh activists are being harassed and humiliated. He urged the Central Home Minister to intervene to prevent such objectionable actions. Prof. Chandumajra revealed that a special meeting was called during the tenure of Shiromani Akali Dal President Sukhbir Singh Badal, and a decision was made to reach out to the party workers to save our people and extend help to those in distress. Subsequently, he gave formal instructions to all Akali officials and workers to campaign in the affected areas and help the victims.”