The Shiromani Akali Dal (Badal) commenced its widely publicized ‘Punjab Bachao Yatra’ from the Attari border in Amritsar on Thursday, intending to traverse five parliamentary and 45 Assembly constituencies throughout the month. SAD president Sukhbir Singh Badal initiated the yatra after seeking blessings at the Sri Akal Takht Sahib and engaging with voters in the Attari region.
As part of the yatra, the SAD unveiled a 4.48-minute “protest song” titled ‘Utth Jaag Punjabiyo…Punjab Bacha Lo’ (Wake up Punjabis, save Punjab), which will be played during the yatra. The video features snippets of protests against the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government, portraying Sukhbir Badal as the prominent leader of the SAD.
This yatra involves convoys adorned with Akali Dal flags traversing constituencies where Sukhbir Badal will connect with voters. On Friday, the yatra is scheduled to pass through Ajnala and Majitha constituencies of Amritsar before taking a weekend break.
In February, the yatra aims to cover parliamentary constituencies such as Amritsar, Khadoor Sahib, Ferozepur, Faridkot, and Bathinda, encompassing 45 Assembly constituencies. The yatra is anticipated to extend its reach to additional areas in March.
Earlier, Sukhbir Badal released a 2024 calendar featuring himself and former Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal, emphasizing the achievements of the previous SAD government beneath each month. Additionally, a pamphlet showcasing the accomplishments of the former SAD government and the alleged ‘failures’ of the AAP government was released on January 30 and will be distributed during the yatra.
The pamphlet underscores the SAD government’s achievements, including providing free power to farmers, granting 3.81 lakh tubewell connections, revamping the road network, and establishing major infrastructure projects. It contrasts these achievements with accusations against the AAP government, asserting an unprecedented loan of Rs 60,000 crore, lack of development, misuse of funds for advertisements and self-promotion, and the alleged exodus of industry from Punjab.
In response, the AAP labeled SAD’s calendar as the “Parivar Bachao Yatra” and criticized the Badals for their version of development during their tenure. Accusing the SAD of being aligned with the BJP, AAP asserted that the SAD-BJP rule led to the detriment of Punjab, blaming them for issues like the drug mafia, sacrilege of the Guru Granth Sahib, and initially supporting the farm laws before a subsequent U-turn.