The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Sunday arrested Assistant Police Inspector (API) Riyaz Kazi, an associate of suspended cop Sachin Vaze, in connection with the Mukesh Ambani’s residence Antillia Bomb scare. After which he was produced in front of special holiday court and was sent to NIA custody till 16 April.

The central agency suspects that Kazi helped Vaze in planting explosives outside Antillia and also was part of the Mansukh Hiren Death case. The API, who was shunted out of the Mumbai Crime Branch last month, was called many times before also for questioning. On 11 April, he was again called by the NIA and later placed under arrest. Kazi was seen collecting CCTV footage from Vaze’s housing complex at Thane. He was also spotted in one CCTV footage entering a number plates shop in the Vikhroli area in Mumbai and conversing with the outlet’s owner. Kazi was also seen taking away a digital video recorder and a computer from the shop. Agency suspects he assisted Vaze in not only obtaining fake number plates used for the SUV found with explosives near Antillia but also in destroying key evidence.

NIA while seeking custody told the court that they want to ascertain the role of Kazi for which they are seeking his custody. NIA arrested Vaze on 13 March in connection with its probe into the case. Till now in this whole case, the statements of over 40 people have been recorded including former Mumbai Police Commissioner Param Bir Singh and two Deputy Commissioners as well as a dozen cops from the crime intelligence unit.