Saba Azad has shared a new romantic picture with Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan from their holiday in Argentina. In the picture, the gorgeous couple is seen dressed in multiple layers to keep themselves warm in the cold weather. The actor looked handsome in a striped sweatshirt and a black puffer half jacket. On the other hand, Saba wore a fur coat with a scarf. In the caption of her post, Saba wrote, “Que Bueno Buenos Aires.”
Reacting to her post, one of the Instagram users wrote, “wow wow wow… what a beautiful picture… love u both.” Another wrote, “Beautiful couple.” A third user wrote, “Saba and Hrithik, you are so beautiful and happy. God bless you.” A fourth user wrote, “My two favourites in one picture. Absolutely stunning.”
Take a look at Saba Azad’s Instagram post
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