Rumored couple Palak Tiwari and Ibrahim Ali Khan turned heads as they attended a party together on Sunday night in Mumbai. Ibrahim opted for a casual fit. The star kid was seen wearing a white tee along with a pair of grey pants and sported a beard. On the other hand, Palak looked sexy in a off shoulder dress. The Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan actress teamed up the dress with a pair of matching boots and a small handbag. Palak completed her look by tying her hair up into a neat ponytail.
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For the unversed, earlier, this year, the actress had answered questions about her dating rumours with Ibrahim. In an interview with Siddharth Kannan, Palak had said, “We were just out, and we got papped. It ends there. It’s just that. In fact, we were with a group of people. It wasn’t just us. but it got papped like that. It was the narrative that people liked the most, but that’s it. We are nice friends. He is a very sweet guy. That’s all there is to it. We talk sometimes and that’s all.”