Popular television actress Rubina Dilaik is expecting her first child with husband Abhinav Shukla. The actress took to social media to share a glimpse of her pregnancy workout. Video also shows the caption, “To all the women who embrace this journey with grace.” She also penned an inspiring caption for all the mothers out there. She wrote, “She is Strong, She is invincible, who is She? “SHE IS YOU ” ….. and I am proud of HER.”
Take a look at Rubina Dilaik’s Instagram post
Reacting to her Instagram post, one of the fans wrote, “Bas itna discipline aur motivation aa jaye mujhe toh life set hai meri.” Another wrote, “You are strong and incredible. keep working.” Another commented, “We are so proud of you darling. such a wonderful, strong, talented, powerful, fabulous Lady. God bless you darling #RubinaDilaik.”
Have a look