Mohan Bhagwat will participate in the program of Sangh Shiksha Varg till 19 May, according to the sources report. Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat is on a four-day tour of Jharkhand. In this connection, Mohan Bhagwat reached Ranchi’s Hatia station today by Tapaswini Express, where he was accorded a grand welcome. As per the programme, Mohan Bhagwat left for Lohardaga from Hatia by road. It may be known that the training class of the first and second year of RSS is being held at many places in the country, in such a situation, Mohan Bhagwat has reached Jharkhand to participate in the program to be held in Lohardaga.
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