Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat will address the Kashmiri Hindu community through video conference during Navreh celebrations on 3 April. Sanjeevani Sharda Kendra (SSK), Jammu is organising a three-day programme from April 1-3 to celebrate the ‘Tyaag and Shaurya Divas’ and urge the ‘Kashmiri Samaj’ to take a pledge for returning to their homeland on the auspicious occasion of Navreh. The SSK has been celebrating the ‘Navreh, Tyaag and Shaurya Divas’ with the community members and school children for several years and used to conduct seminars, essay writing and quiz competitions. According to SSK, the Navreh celebrations will commence on April 1 with the ‘Tyaag (sacrifice) Divas’ in the memory of the Shriya Bhat (a historical icon, who is said to have been the saviour of Kashmiri Hindus).
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