Vineet Jindal, advocate and social activist, lodged a complaint with the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha Ethics Committees in response to the mimicking incident involving Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar and suspended TMC MP Kalyan Banerjee outside the Parliament. Jindal lodged a complaint requesting the removal of Rahul Gandhi, the Congress leader, and other MPs associated with the suspended TMC MP. The opposition staged a protest on the steps of Parliament on Tuesday against the suspension of MPs, and Banerjee imitated Vice President Dhankhar. This move drew harsh criticism from the ruling BJP.
In his complaint, Jindal claimed that this event comes under the extreme case of misconduct by the members of the house upon which the Ethics Committee should take action against this misconduct.
“This is a complaint against TMC MP Kalyan Banerjee, Rahul Gandhi MP (leader of Congress), and other MPs for making defamatory remarks, mocking and mimicking the style of the Rajya Sabha Chairman and Vice-President of India Jagdeep Dhankhar while presiding over the house,” Jindal said in his complaint.
“Recently, a video went viral on Twitter and other social networking sites in which the TMC MP Kalyan Banerjee could be seen mimicking Rajya Sabha Chairman and Vice-President of India, Jagdeep Dhankhar, which is followed by hooting, mocking and cheering by other members of Parliament of the Opposition party and one of the senior leaders of the opposition, Rahul Gandhi is making the video of this shameful mockery.
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