Filmmaker Karan Johar is super excited to present his labour of love ‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’. As the film is all set to hit the theatres this July, Karan, on Saturday, took to Instagram and shared a picture from Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh’s look test for the film. In the image, Alia is seen donning a printed saree. She also wore a black bindi on her forehead and golden earrings. On the other hand, Ranveer opted for a printed red shirt. He wrapped his arm around Alia as they posed for the camera.

“Our very first look test of the film! When we were locking looks for ROCKY and RANI @manishmalhotra05 @ekalakhani #rockyaurranikiipremkahaani @ranveersingh @aliaabhatt,” Karan captioned the post.

Alia and Ranveer will be seen romancing in the film. The pair recently garnered a lot of attention with their love song ‘Tum Kya Mile’. The song is sung by Arijit Singh and Shreya Ghoshal, with music from Pritam.

Shot in the stunning mountains of Kashmir, it shows lead pair Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh romancing each other. She is dressed in beautiful chiffon sarees and he looks cool in glam outfits.

Sharing the song, Karan Johar wrote, “Any love story deserves a fitting love song! And I’m blessed that #TumKyaMile happened to our kahaani – #RockyAurRaniKiiPremKahaani! Song out now! Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani, in cinemas 28th July.”

Interestingly, the songs made netizens nostalgic. It reminded them of King of Romance, Shah Rukh Khan’s iconic chemistry with Kajol.

Many fans have dropped videos putting SRK and Kajol’s footage from ‘Suraj Hua Madham’ and ‘Gerua’ on ‘Tum Kya Mile’. ‘Rocky Aur Rani…’ marks Karan’s return to director’s chair after over six years. The film will hit the theatres on July 28.

Veteran actors Dharmendra, Jaya Bachchan and Shabana Azmi are also a part of the film.