In a shocking incident in the village of Hadian, near Koom Kalan, a money transfer shop owner, Basant Kumar, fell victim to armed robbers who wielded a pistol to carry out a daring daylight robbery. The incident occurred around 8 AM when Kumar, who also handles money transfers, was conducting business at his shop. Four robbers, two of whom brandished a pistol, stormed the shop, robbing Kumar of approximately 45,000 in cash, along with four mobile phones. The perpetrators also forced a customer present in the shop to lose 10,000 in the process. The audacious robbers, unfazed, also attacked Kumar before fleeing the scene on motorcycles. The entire episode was captured on the shop’s CCTV cameras. Kumar revealed that before the robbery, an individual had approached him, expressing the intent to transfer money and requesting a cash withdrawal, providing a distraction for the subsequent criminal act. Following the incident, the Koom Kalan police arrived at the scene, securing the CCTV footage as part of their ongoing efforts to apprehend the perpetrators.