In a tragic incident near Derabassi, two policemen lost their lives in a late-night accident. Around 1:30 am, a canter, speeding in the wrong direction, collided with two policemen patrolling on Barwala Road. The impact resulted in severe injuries to both officers, who were subsequently rushed to the hospital. Unfortunately, doctors declared them dead.

Following the accident, the canter driver fled the scene towards Chandigarh. Upon learning of the incident, the local police promptly informed Chandigarh Police, leading to the apprehension of the canter driver. The arrested individual is now in custody.
The deceased officers have been identified as 53-year-old Hari Singh, a resident of Bhankharpur, and Jasmer Singh. The collision occurred near the Old Truck Union on Barwala Road when the canter, traveling in the wrong direction, struck the police personnel on a motorcycle.

Sources revealed that after the collision, the canter driver attempted to escape, heading towards Chandigarh. The police arrived at the scene, initiated an investigation, and subsequently arrested the canter driver. This unfortunate incident has raised concerns about road safety and the need for vigilance to prevent such tragic accidents.