MUMBAI: The show Cartel is an action drama with its core set in a family. The show primarily revolves around The Angre family and four other Crime Lords based in the different areas of the city. The trailer starts showing us “The Family”, with us getting introduced to Rani Mai, played by the versatile Supriya Pathak.

Dressed in a nauvari saree, Rani Mai is fierce. We are then introduced to her three sons – Major Bhau, Madhu Bhau, and Abhay – played by Tanuj Virwani, Jeetendra Joshi, and Rithvik Dhanjani. When one character asks Major Bhau how he killed the soldier inside him, his reply – “Mara nahi hai wo, Pehle wo desh ke liye ladta tha, aur ab apni family ke liye” – we can’t help but whistle.

With a humongous cast of around 137 talented actors, this highly ambitious show is all set to enthral the audiences with its action-packed trailer. Produced by Balaji Telefilms, the show has a stellar cast comprising Supriya Pathak, Tanuj Virwani, Jitendra Joshi, Rithvik Dhanjani, Pranati Rai Prakash, Divya Agarwal, Girija Oak Godbole, Amey Wagh, Monica Dogra, Vikram Kochhar, Vibhav Roy, Tannishtha Chatterjee, Sanaya Pithawala, Mayur More, Mrinal Dutt, Krishna Kaul, Aditi Vasudev, Keval Dasani, Kannan Arunachalam, Sushrii Mishra amongst the 137 actors in the show.

The Daily Guardian spoke to Rithvik Dhanjani about the series Cartel and experience working on a character totally different from him in real life. Cartel is your first web series, how excited are you for it? I am on the 19th cloud. Finally the series is going to be out after almost three years of preparing for it. Excited for the series to see it come alive and hope the audience loves it too. Blood, sweat, heart and soul has gone in making the series and wish the audience reciprocates it with love.

What does your character look like in web series Cartel, any preparations made for the same? How relatable is it in real life? My character in the web series Cartel is Abhay Angre. Rithvik and Abhay are totally different from each other in real life. Abhay is maniac, a child , he is like a ticking bomb nobody would know what is he going to do in the show. It is a lot of preparation gone in making Abhay. My team who has been there with me during the making of the series and Abhay helped me in order to achieve the mannerism and accent of Abhay. I secretly recorded the conversation so that I could imitate and implement what he says to get my character of Abhay to perfection. I am very excited to play Abhay as I am not what he is and that is what is more exciting.

Shrishti Joshi

Published by
Shrishti Joshi

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