Rinku Singh stunned Gujarat Titans as he smashed five successive sixes during the final over, steering the KKR to a famous win in Ahmedabad. The Kolkata Knight Riders registered a staggering victory over Gujarat Titans in the 2023 Indian Premier League on Saturday evening. Netizens went crazy over this and his name went trending with thousands of tweets. Fans and critics both appreciated him for this, a fan tweeted – “Today Rinku Singh changed the definition of final over thriller. Last ball six wala climax suna tha, last five ball sixes sapne mai bhi nahi socha tha. Rinku, what a finisher #Rinku.” Another fan wrote – “What a mad, mad night that was! Rinku Singh did pull off an unthinkable, and that too in pure style. All hearts to this valiant boy. #IPL2023 #GTvKKR #Rinku.”
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