Bollywood power couple Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal are celebrating 1 year of their sangeet night. As the gorgeous actress dropped a video with Ali from the promotions of Fukrey Returns, Pulkit Samrat, Manjot Singh gushed over them. The video is a compilation of several moments Richa shared with Ali Fazal during the promotions of Fukrey Returns.
Along with the video, Richa penned, “Did you know, before the show @madeinheaventv, Excel productions actually got two people married, albeit inadvertently What a day! Can’t believe it’s been a year to this magical sangeet evening… and today, day after Fukrey 3 opens well, I can’t thank the film and providence enough for making me meet the man of my dreams @alifazal9.” Further, she added, “Here’s a couple of videos of us sharing giggles during the promotions of Fukrey Returns… the voices you hear also belong to my homies, bros and now devars @fukravarun @pulkitsamrat @oyemanjot et al and of course @amandeep_khubbar @natashanayar1 … thank you Fukrey for making me meet this amazing man with intellect and a heart to match his beauty…in addition to the gift of success which is a BONUSand this most iconic character Bholi Punjaban! She’s the coolest cat ever and I feel just pure gratitude!”
Take a look at Richa Chadha’s Instagram post
Reacting to the video, Pulkit Samrat wrote, “Heart is melting bhabhi ji.” On the other hand, Manjot Singh commented, “Haayeee love you guys Loveeeee youuuuuuuuuuuu.”
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