WhatsApp exchange between actress Rhea Chakraborty and Sushant Singh Rajput’s business manager Shruti Modi has provided more details about the recently uncovered drug angle in Sushant’s death case. The messages reportedly show that Rhea was trying to get Sushant to quit marijuana.

In the conversation, an incident where Sushant cried during a meeting is brought up, followed by a message that says the actor would seek treatment immediately. “He was to completely stop weed and he said he quit it yesterday. He has gone off to sleep. I am leaving for the day,” two messages, from a contact saved as Shruti 2, read. The messages also suggest that despite constant medical care, Sushant was “still not healing” and that his doctor should be consulted about further treatment.

 Previous text exchanges between Rhea and Sushant’s house manager, Samuel Miranda, and a woman named Jaya Saha, hinted at discussions about banned substances such as marijuana and MDMA.