Over the past 2 months, several theories surrounding actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s unfortunate demise have come out in the public. Be it depression theory, nepotistic angle, drug cartel, Dubai link to money laundering, if there is one person who has been found at the centre of it, then it is actress Rhea Chakraborty. On Thursday, Rhea broke her silence on the entire matter in an interview with a news channel, which has taken social media by a storm.

 In the interview, Rhea spoke about the early signs of Sushant’s depression, his lifestyle, their relationship, her bond with Mahesh Bhatt and much more. While the premise of the interview was set to present the ‘other side’ and change the tides of the conversation, the move clearly backfired as Sushant’s family and exgirlfriend Ankita Lokhande slammed some of Rhea’s revelations.

Reacting to the interview, Sushant’s sister Shweta Singh Kirti tweeted, “So these are the probing questions you are asking. That Sushant has depression, maybe he is bipolar and by when Rhea came to know about it.” She further remarked, “And you say you loved Sushant!! What a shame!!”

In the interview, Rhea claims that Sushant had claustrophobia. On the day they were leaving for Europe, Sushant apparently told Rhea that he feels claustrophobic on flights and takes medicine for the same. Ankita Lokhande, who dated Sushant for 7 years, slammed Rhea’s claims by posting a video of Sushant flying an aircraft. In her post, Ankita wrote, “Dream… Is this claustrophobia? U always wanted to fly and you did it’. Not just Shweta and Ankita, Sushant’s father also released a video on Thursday in which he not only called Rhea a murderer but also demanded her arrest.

As the day progressed, Rhea shared two videos on her social media account against the media trial and alleged threat to her and her family’s life. In the first video, Rhea’s father Indrajit Chakraborty could be seen surrounded by media personnel. The second video featured her building’s security guard who alleged that mediapersons have hit him.