In a shocking statement, Maheshwar Hazari, a minister in the Bihar government, has called late actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty a “vishkanya” (venomous woman) and a “supari killer”. While launching a scathing attack against the actress, Hazari also alleged that Rhea worked at the behest of the “Bollywood mafia” and conspired to wash away Sushant’s demise by calling it a suicide.

“Like a ‘vishkanya’, Rhea Chakaraborty first entrapped Sushant Singh in her love and systematically eliminated him. She is not alone. There are big names of Bollywood behind her and these names should come out,” the minister told The Daily Guardian.

Hazari also questioned the tardy progress in investigation by Mumbai Police and alleged that the cops were possibly working under pressure and were not following the desired line of investigation. He also indicated that the Bihar police team which has gone to Mumbai for investigations into the case is not getting any cooperation from Mumbai Police. “They are not being provided any vehicle and are forced to move in auto-rickshaws,” he alleged.

The minister indicated that right from the beginning Mumbai Police was considering it to be an open-and-shut case and did not even bother to question all those responsible and probe the conspiracy angle to it.

 The minister indicated that the state government would see to it and is in consultation with experts to decide the future course of action.

He, however, said that the state government was contemplating a CBI probe into the matter.

The minister, however, expressed faith in the investigations of Bihar police and said that the truth should come out. He pointed out that Rhea had taken away huge amounts of money from the bank account of Sushant.

The minister demanded that the matter should be handed over to a competent authority like the CBI so that all big people who are behind his death could be exposed. “Sushant is not a case in isolation but there are several other budding talents like him who have met the same fate as some people in Bollywood never allow young talents to grow,” he said.

 It’s pertinent to mention here that Sushant Singh Rajput’s father K.K. Singh has filed an FIR against Rhea Chakraborty on 25 July at the Rajeev Nagar police station for cheating, extortion and abatement to suicide. The family members have stated that they were in a state of shock so the delay in lodging an FIR.