The CBI is currently investigating the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput. On 28 July, an FIR was filed in Patna against Rajput’s partner Rhea Chakraborty based on a complaint by his father K.K. Singh. Chakraborty has been accused of abetment to suicide and embezzlement of funds. In an interview to The Daily Guardian, Chakraborty’s lawyer Satish Maneshinde said that Chakraborty is innocent and that she had left Rajput’s house on 8 June and after that, she had not been in touch with Rajput.

Maneshinde said that the first doctor Sushant Rajput consulted was in 2013 and the last on 8 June, the day Rhea Chakraborty left his house. “Therefore, Chakraborty did nothing without the prescription and advice of doctors.”

Maneshinde added that in November 2019, one of Sushant’s sisters had taken her brother’s treatment details from his ex-manager Shruti Modi. “Sushant’s family was aware of his alleged mental health condition as far back as November 2019. As per a report on 8 June, there was an exchange between Sushant and his other sister Priyanka, wherein she is seen advising him to take medicines and even procured a prescription.”

 Maneshinde said that the doctor who had prescribed the medicines had not even met Sushant, so it is a violation of the Mental Health Act. The lawyer said that Sushant’s sister Priyanka Singh, who is a practising lawyer in the Supreme Court in Delhi, gave the late actor certain medicines without doctor’s prescription. The family of Sushant Singh Rajput has maintained that the late actor was not depressed. Satish Maneshinde revealed that Chakraborty left Sushant’s home on 8 June because Priyanka asked Sushant to change his medicines without doctor’s prescription.

 Maneshinde said, “Rhea Chakraborty in her statements to the CBI and ED said that on 8 June, Priyanka had chatted with Sushant. She asked Sushant to take the three different medicines without prescription.” The Daily Guardian has the messenger chat details of the 8 June chat which took place between Priyanka and Sushant at 4.48 am.