Actress Rhea Chakraborty has been granted bail by the Bombay High Court after almost a month. She was arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on 8 September over alleged involvement in the drug cartel in the Sushant Singh Rajput case. Her brother Showik Chakraborty, however, has been denied any reprieve by the Bombay HC.

 Sushant Singh Rajput’s employees Dipesh Sawant and Samuel Miranda have also been granted bail.

 “We are delighted by the order. Truth and Justice have prevailed and ultimately the submissions on facts and law have been accepted by Justice Sarang V. Kotwal,” said Rhea Chakraborty’s lawyer S at i sh Maneshinde.

 The High Court has set conditions for Rhea Chakraborty’s bail. Rhea has to deposit her passport and cannot leave the country. She has to report to the Mumbai Police for the next 10 days. She has also been asked to furnish a bail bond of Rs 1 lakh. The HC has also said that she cannot meet with any other witness and must inform the investigating officer if she is going out of Greater Mumbai and has to provide her full itinerary. Moreover, she has also been asked to report on the first Monday of every month before the investigating agency, for the next six months.

 She has been asked to attend all dates in court unless prevented by any reasonable cause and not to tamper with evidence or investigation of the case. 

The NCB had launched an investigation into the drugs case after it received official communication from the Enforcement Directorate (ED), which was investigating the money trail related to actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s death case. In the investigation, many revelations surfaced including various chats related to drug consumption, procurement, usage and transportation.