Haryana Chief Secretary, Sanjeev Kaushal said that the state government has revamped its transfer policy for Group-D employees covered by the Haryana Group-D Employees Act, 2018 (Common Cadre).In a letter addressed to all Administrative Secretaries and Head of Departments by the Chief Secretary states that Chief Minister has approved this policy.
The policy acknowledges that some employees appointed to Group-D positions since the Act’s enactment found themselves posted far from hometowns or on unsuitable jobs due to their nature. To address these concerns, the state government is launching a Transfer Drive for reallocating eligible employees within the Common Cadre.
Each employee must identify undesired posts (for exclusion from their potential allocation) and prioritize preferred districts for transfer through the designated portal. Only Group-D employees appointed on a regular basis after the Act, in posts listed in Serial No. 1 of the First Schedule (excluding sweeper, chowkidar, and sweeper-cum-chowkidar positions in Haryana government departments), as per their HRMS details, are eligible. Employees posted in Statutory Bodies/ Boards/ Corporations/ Public Sector Undertakings/ Constitutional Bodies, or those not part of the Common Cadre, are not eligible. Linking AADHAAR or PPP to HRMS is mandatory for participation.
Transfers will be based solely on employee priorities, ensuring the merit list prepared by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission remains undisturbed. No other priority based on any other factor will be granted.
Employees with existing “Status Quo” orders from the Punjab and Haryana High Court in relevant cases are not eligible for the drive unless the court issues further orders. This revised policy aims to address the concerns of Group-D employees and promote a more transparent and efficient transfer process within the Common Cadre.