On the directions of Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann, the Revenue Department has undertaken a unique initiative. Special camps will be organised at Tehsil and Sub Tehsil levels to address the backlog of pending mutation cases across the district on January 6 (Saturday).

Disclosing this information on Friday, Deputy Commissioner Aashika Jain stated that in a significant move towards the seamless delivery of services by the Revenue Department, officers and employees will be present in Revenue Offices throughout the district on January 6, working on the holiday to register the pending mutations as per the directives of Revenue Minister Mr. Bram Shanker Jimpa.

Jain urged the public to take advantage of the special camps, assuring that concerned officials have been instructed to promptly register all pending mutations during the event, minimizing inconvenience for the public.

Highlighting the commitment of Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann to expediting the process, she mentioned that she is actively monitoring the disposal of pending mutations. She emphasized the importance of completing the work within a defined timeline.

Categorically directing officials to avoid negligence, she stressed that any lapses in the legitimate functioning would not be tolerated, and erring officers and employees would not be spared at any cost.