Residents of a residential society in Uttar Pradesh’s Kanpur urged Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath to demolish their apartments, claiming there were severe cracks in the buildings. Residents of Kanpur’s KDA residency claimed that the structures were of poor quality and that low-grade materials were used in their construction.
They also said that after the recent rains, the basement of the buildings got flooded and cracks appeared on the beams and walls. “The apartments were not made of the quality that was promised to us. Inferior construction materials were used. The building has deteriorated and we are apprehensive about it collapsing. Authorities are yet to take any action,” residents told the press.
Pertinent to mention last month, the 100-metre tall Supertech twin towers in Sector 93A, Noida, were demolished by the administration after the Supreme Court’s order for flouting norms. The towers came crashing down within a span of nearly nine seconds after the use of 3,700 kg of explosives.