Filmmaker Raj Kumar Kohli, father of actor Armaan Kohli, breathed his last at the age of 93 on Friday. The industry veteran, known for his directorial ventures succumbed to a heart attack this morning, leaving a void in the cinematic world. Apparently, Raj Kumar Kohli went to shower on Friday morning and didn’t come out for some time. Then his son Armaan broke down the door and discovered that his father had collapsed on the floor.
The funeral for Raj Kumar Kohli is slated to take place this evening, marking the end of an era in Indian cinema. The death of this cinematic icon has left the industry and fans in mourning as they reflect on his significant contributions and long-lasting impact on the world of filmmaking.
Armaan Kohli is a well-known Bollywood actor who has appeared in films such as ‘Dushman Zamana,’ ‘Anam,’ ‘Qahar,’ and the ensemble cast film ‘Jaani Dushman: Ek Anokhi Kahaani,’ among others. His most recent appearance was in Salman Khan’s family drama ‘Prem Ratan Dhan Payo,’ and he also appeared on the reality show ‘Bigg Boss 7.’
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